이영문  Youngmoon Lee  Ph.D. 
Robotics Department (Jointly with Applied AI)
Hanyang University ERICA 5th Engineering 526(Lab) 514(Office)
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I am an assistant professor in the Robotics Department at Hanyang University and the founding director of the RAISE  Lab (Real-time AI Systems Engineering Laboratory). We tackle challenges in Real-time AI Systems Engineering such as autonomous cars, robots, drones, and smart homes/cities. Most of our projects are open-source software available at https://github.com/RAISElab.  

Interests: I am primarily a system's person interested in research problems in the area of real-time AI and ML, robotic sensing and learning, cyber-physical and embedded systems as well as mobile and cloud computing.
Bio: I received Ph. D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the RTCL at the University of Michigan and B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Seoul National University.  I also served as a Korea International Cooperation Agent (KOICA) in Rwanda.






While AI becomes a winning paradigm in cyberspace, our goal is to realize state-of-the-art AI in physical space in real-time. I am interested in research problems in the area of real-time AI and ML, robotic sensing and applications, cyber-physical and embedded systems, as well as computer systems and networks. These research problems are often motivated by, and directly applicable to, real-world systems such as autonomous and electric cars, drones, robots,  smart homes and cities, as well as human health and well-being. 



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